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GDF Suez intends to buy electricity from EDF at 35 Euro per MWh

GDF Suez intends to purchase nuclear-generated electricity from its rival EDF for the price as low as 35 euros per MWh, if the law forces EDF to sell a quarter of its nuclear power production.

read more... 02/07/2010


France power production recovers after unions strike

France suffered a 7,000 MW power output cut during massive demonstrations of union members all over the country on Thursday, including 6,000 MW losses in nuclear sector.

read more... 28/06/2010


Significant change in Sweden’s nuclear policy

The Swedish parliament voted for the extension of nuclear program of the country

read more... 23/06/2010


France among the less polluter in the world

With an annual amount of 9 tons of CO2 emissions per inhabitant, France has lower CO2 emissions than other most developed countries, due to the dominance of non-releasing gas emissions generating power sources: nuclear (77%) and hydroelectricity (12%).

read more... 21/06/2010


GDF SUEZ and E.ON: nuclear partnership in Italy

GDF Suez announced yesterday the signing of a new partnership with German energy group E.ON.

read more... 09/06/2010
