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Romania delays adoption of energy and climate plan, casts doubt on renewable targets

The Romanian government will neither adopt its National Integrated Energy and Climate Change Plan before the expected 30 June deadline nor will the country meet the EU’s renewable energy targets, an energy ministry official said on Thursday.

read more... 15/03/2024


Italy’s Regulated Power Bills Seen Sharply Down Due to Low Gas Prices

Low natural gas prices this winter season will result in significant declines in regulated electricity prices for households in Italy in the second quarter of the year, according to the Italian energy authority ARERA.

read more... 14/03/2024


Germany launches green subsidies for industry

Germany on Tuesday launched a bidding process for subsidies to support energy-intensive firms switching to green production in a 4 billion euros ($4.37 billion) funding round, the economy ministry said on Tuesday.

read more... 13/03/2024


EU Parliament approves law to make buildings more energy efficient

The European parliament approved a new law on Tuesday that requires member states to push the renovation of buildings to make them more energy-efficient and reduce the EU's carbon emissions.

read more... 13/03/2024


UK unveils landmark electricity market reform

Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho is set to announce reforms in electricity markets, aiming to potentially save households £45 annually and unlock £35 billion in savings over two decades

read more... 11/03/2024
