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Germany to install only 2.8 GW of new PV capacity this year

According to a new report by EuPD Research this year Germany will install about 2.8GW of new PV capacity, with small PV installations under 10kWp becoming even more important for the German PV market, despite the government’s intention to cut considerably renewable energy incentives.

read more... 10/02/2014


Is the US close to its energy independence?

Looking at the whole U.S. energy picture, which includes natural gas, coal, nuclear, crude oil and renewables, the country is close to being self-sufficient. As a result of the hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the U.S. is set to become the world’s largest oil and natural gas producer. The American energy boom is also drastically reducing oil and gas imports at a time when much of the world is becoming more reliant on energy imports.

read more... 10/02/2014


Fukushima to become 100% renewable powered by 2040

Fukushima’s prefecture, three years after the major earthquake which resulted in a nuclear disaster, has announced that they wish to be totally renewable powered by 2040. The idea is seen as a positive step to embrace renewable energy in Japan, where the national government remains pro-nuclear, despite a survey found that that 53 percent of Japanese people wanted to see nuclear power phased out gradually, while other 23% wanted it immediately done with.

read more... 06/02/2014


Italy’s solar PV sector an example for the rest of the world

Italy is currently one of the major producers of electricity from renewable energy sources in Europe. The country’s PV sector has historically been the leading renewable energy technology due to its incentives offered for solar PV projects and also to its advantageous geographic position.

read more... 31/01/2014


Germany: the first EU state to penalize the self-consumption of solar energy

The German government has approved on Wednesday a new solar tax, becoming the first European nation to charge owners of renewable energy plants for their own use of electricity, as part of Merkel’s plan to contain rising power bills. The changes would affect photovoltaics and are now partly being reported as a new retroactive solar tax. The cabinet is expected to officially sign off on the draft law in April before it goes to the Bundestag, which is expected to vote on it in June and could become law on August.

read more... 27/01/2014
