Digital Utility Transformation

One integrated transparent platform for a more efficient procurement process between utility and business customers


Personalized Setup

The solution is defined by a high setup flexibility to suit each supplier's local market policy and B2B power & gas supply contract conditions

Flexible Integration

The solution can be easily integrated into existing utility infrastructures automating procurement processes, reducing risk and increasing productivity

Richer Customer Experience

The benefits of more efficient transactions between utility and customers make an immediate impact on the overall customer experience and business workflow

The digitization provided by the EnergyMarketOnline tool would provide utilities with endless opportunities to lower internal operational costs, improving the customer experience allowing self-service options.

Key Challenges in the Utility Industry

Research and customer interviews have shown that the industry is still heavily relying on a telephone and email workflow, involving multiple conversations, email history, lots of data handling and lost data between the customer itself, the account manager, the trading department, the portfolio management and the back office. 

A better, improved digital experience for the customers and internal users

Energy Services Companies and Utilities need a robust online platform for managing energy contracts data and presenting the analytics their clients want and need.

Storing energy market and contract data on one platform, defining individually energy contracts with configurable permissions, obligations and local market regulation, allowing time-saving transaction processes has never been so easy.

EnergyMarketPrice enables utilities to gain new clients and retain existing ones with innovation driven technology.

Powerful Customer Behavior Analytics

Learn more about your customers

By gaining insights on customer activity with our tracking and monitoring tool, account managers can promptly respond to customer behavior trends and engage with them, reducing sales operational costs and increasing conversion rates.

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Energy Market Online

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