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China: Renewable energy accounts less than 1% in the most polluting country of the world

Even if China is the world's greatest carbon-emitting nation, with about 70 % of China's energy which is generated from coal, hydropower and nuclear accounts 29.3% of the remaining output, while renewable energy, accounts less than 1%, at 0.7%.

read more... 28/11/2012


China to become world’s largest generator of nuclear power by 2020

Stephen Wilson, the Rio Tinto Energy general manager of markets and industry analysis, said that currently China is the ninth largest nuclear energy producer and that by 2020 it is likely to become the world’s largest generator of nuclear power.

read more... 23/11/2012


China to reduce carbon emissions by 730 million tons

According to the new report recently released by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), “ China’s Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change, 2012”, China is at work to reduce its CO2 emissions through industrial restructuring and also making efforts to increase the country’s forest with more than 2.51 billion trees that were planted last year.

read more... 23/11/2012


Power consumption in China to grow by 6% in 2012

The State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) has announced on Wednesday that China’s electricity consumption is likely to grow by about 6% to 5 trillion kWh, with a considerable increase in the last quarter, as the nation's economy recovers.

read more... 22/11/2012


China’s wind installations capacity to surpass 60GW by the end of the year

The capacity of China’s wind installations will surpass the 60GW by the end of the year and is on the way of being the country’s third largest power source in 2013, has announced the vice director of China’s National Energy Bureau (NEB), Liu Qi, speaking at China Wind Power 2012.

read more... 21/11/2012
