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Phoenix Solar gets access to Italian PV market

Phoenix Solar AG's Italian subsidiary has won the contract to build a rooftop solar power plant with a peak power of 227 kilowatts in Italy. The photovoltaic plant, which will use Trina and MiaSolé modules, is to be completed and connected to the grid before the end of the year.

read more... 16/09/2011


Could China dominate the world solar power?

The Worldwatch report, focused on green economy, points out that China became the world largest photovoltaic solar power manufacturer in 2008, with about 700 PV companies.

read more... 14/09/2011


Shifting away from nuclear energy would cost Japan $280 billion

Japan would have to invest around $280 billion by 2020 after shifting away from nuclear power and switching it with wind and solar energy following the March earthquake and tsunami in Japan that sparked the worst nuclear crisis in 25 years.

read more... 14/09/2011


Coal to become more expensive than solar energy

According to some recent reports published by a Chinese blog and European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) the solar power could become much cheaper than the traditional conservative coal by 2015, claiming that parts of Europe could see solar reach parity with coal by 2013.

read more... 08/09/2011


First Solar inked important agreement for 100MW modules supply

First Solar has inked an important agreement with Reliance Power and Jaisalmer, Indian solar project. Under the new agreement, First Solar will deliver 40 MW of thin film solar modules to Reliance Power by the end of the current year, while the rest 60 MW in 2012.

read more... 07/09/2011
