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Spain to slash subsidies for green energy

The Spanish government announced that it is cutting the subsidies for renewable energy projects, a sector which made the country a leader among the European countries, as part of a strategy to cope with its budget deficit and to reduce its power-system borrowings backed by the state that hit 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

read more... 30/01/2012


China to begin shale gas commercial production by 2015

China aims to start its first commercial production of shale gas by 2015, according to Che Changbo, deputy director of the Ministry of Land and Resource’s oil and gas strategy center.

read more... 26/12/2011


China highlights its progress in carbon emissions reduction

In a climate report released on November 22, China illustrated comprehensively its strategy concerning the promotion of low-carbon development and is calling on the developed countries to assume the responsibility of considerably reducing the carbon emissions.

read more... 23/11/2011


Vestas request more than top 500 companies to invest in Wind

Renewable energy is gaining ground and becomes more affordable due to its competitive costs. Through a new marketing strategy, Vestas, a Danish wind turbine manufacturer, aspires to connect with over 500 energy companies by sending personalized InMail, through LinkedIn, a business-related social networking site. The InMail will express the financial and brand building benefits of investing in renewable energy and mainly in wind power.

read more... 17/11/2011


China to invest $500 billion in electric power infrastructure

The Chinese officials announced its strategy to improve considerably the nation’s energy efficiency by 2020, as the country seeks to modernize its energy infrastructure at the domestic level and to dominate the clean energy technology markets at international level.

read more... 27/10/2011
