Latest news

Italian photovoltaic market

The Italian peninsula stands today for the land of solar energy, due to the rapid expansion of photovoltaics, placing Italy first in the world ranking for new solar plants installed. For 2011 a total of 3 to 5 GW installations were estimated, but the forecasts have been surpassed with the connection of about 9.3 GW of PV systems, in part as a result of the installations which were not connected at the end of 2010.

read more... 04/09/2012


Bulgaria starts construction of gas pipeline with Romania

In 2009 Bulgartransgaz EAD and S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A. signed a Memorandum of agreement according to which the two countries should cooperate in the construction of the Gas Interconnection Bulgaria – Romania Project.

read more... 17/08/2012


UK: Element Power to export energy from Ireland to the UK

UK’s National Grid awarded a grid connection of 3,000MW to Element Power which will export the renewable energy to the UK via two independent subsea cables.

read more... 31/07/2012


Belgium to join U.S. largest offshore transmission grid

The Atlantic Wind Connection project is the first high-voltage direct offshore grid to be built in the United States that estimates to cost 5.5 billion dollars with an integration capacity of 7GW of offshore wind.

read more... 20/07/2011


Bulgaria gives up on connecting to Nabucco

According to the declaration of the Bulgarian Economy Minister, Traicho Traikov, the country has dropped its plans to link the future gas interconnection with Turkey to the Nabucco pipeline.

read more... 28/06/2011
