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China to become world’s largest generator of nuclear power by 2020

Stephen Wilson, the Rio Tinto Energy general manager of markets and industry analysis, said that currently China is the ninth largest nuclear energy producer and that by 2020 it is likely to become the world’s largest generator of nuclear power.

read more... 23/11/2012


Prince Charles opens a new biogas plant in Dorset

Last week Prince Charles has opened a new biogas plant near Poundbury, in Dorset. The plant, will inject gas into the National Grid to be sold on the market. It is owned and run by J V Energen, a joint venture between the Duchy of Cornwall and local farmers, which along with some nearby businesses will supply approximately 41,000 tons of maize, grass silage, manure, and food waste to be processed each year.

read more... 22/11/2012


Brent or WTI– which global benchmark?

It has been coming for years, but Brent looks set finally to overtake U.S. light crude as the preeminent oil benchmark next year as one of the top financial market indexes switches weightings.

read more... 22/11/2012


Statoil and Wintershall sign a gas supply contract

Norwegian company Statoil, which states to be the second largest supplier of gas to Europe has signed a gas supply agreement with Germany’s Wintershall for the delivery of about 45 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to the German and other North-West European markets.

read more... 20/11/2012


Wind power industry will grow considerably in the next years to come

Global wind power market might triple over the next few years, according to a new report made by Greenpeace International and the Global Wind Energy Council.

read more... 16/11/2012
