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European Commission says EU carbon market needs deep reform

The EU carbon market must have clarity before the year-end on a short-term plan to revive a scheme that has lost its power to drive greener energy, European Commission representative said while outlining plans for much deeper reform.

read more... 15/11/2012


Daily: Brent and U.S crude settles lower on demand concerns and fragile economies

Brent and U.S. crude futures declined for a second consecutive session on Tuesday over worries about lower demand in a well-supplied market and the United States and Europe struggling with fragile economies.

read more... 14/11/2012


Daily: Brent and U.S. crude futures settle 3% higher after election day rally

Brent and U.S. oil crude futures climbed more than 3 percent on Tuesday, increasing for a second consecutive session and receiving support from an election-day rally in the U.S. stock market.

read more... 07/11/2012


Gazprom unveils a major gas project to conquer Asia

Russia’s gas giant Gazprom is planning to invest tens billions of dollars to build a 3,200km pipeline from East Siberia to the Pacific port of Vladivostok, as it pledges to lessen its reliance on exports to Europe and develop Asian markets.

read more... 01/11/2012


Europe's long-term gas contract disputes

European energy companies faced with falling profits are turning up the pressure on long-term suppliers such as Russia and Qatar to amend long-term, oil-indexed sales of gas. Recession and market liberalisation measures by the European Commission have caused oil and gas prices to diverge, costing utilities billions. Disputes, re-negotiations and arbitration have led producers to temporarily grant discounts on gas supplies. Some have lowered prices and others have linked supplies to prices at Europe's freely traded spot gas trading hubs. Some utilities also want greater flexibility by being able to reduce supplies beyond minimum contracted levels during times of low demand. Many negotiations are still under way.

read more... 31/10/2012
