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Gazprom to reduce natural gas prices for Europe in 2013

Gazprom, the leading European supplier of natural gas which supplies nearly a third of its gas, has come under increasing pressure from the supplier opponent, as well as Statoil, so that Russia would change the price of their policies in order to reflect the requirements of the buyer for cheaper gas.

read more... 19/12/2012


E.ON- the last of “the big six” to increase energy prices

E.ON, UK's second-largest energy supplier with six million customers, is planning to raise gas and electricity prices next week, blaming wholesale, transmission and social scheme costs.

read more... 11/12/2012


Statoil and Wintershall sign a gas supply contract

Norwegian company Statoil, which states to be the second largest supplier of gas to Europe has signed a gas supply agreement with Germany’s Wintershall for the delivery of about 45 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to the German and other North-West European markets.

read more... 20/11/2012


Europe's long-term gas contract disputes

European energy companies faced with falling profits are turning up the pressure on long-term suppliers such as Russia and Qatar to amend long-term, oil-indexed sales of gas. Recession and market liberalisation measures by the European Commission have caused oil and gas prices to diverge, costing utilities billions. Disputes, re-negotiations and arbitration have led producers to temporarily grant discounts on gas supplies. Some have lowered prices and others have linked supplies to prices at Europe's freely traded spot gas trading hubs. Some utilities also want greater flexibility by being able to reduce supplies beyond minimum contracted levels during times of low demand. Many negotiations are still under way.

read more... 31/10/2012


EDF looks partners to share costs of new nuclear plants in the UK

EDF of France, the world’s largest supplier of atomic energy by kilowatt hours, is considering looking for more partners to share the financial costs of its project to build new nuclear plants in UK, following concerns that nuclear energy is getting more expensive.

read more... 01/08/2012
