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UK to reduce feed-in tariffs for biomass

British Government announced that will withdraw its intention to increase the incentives for biomass power following pressure from the European Commission, which considers the augment as too high, announced the Department for Energy and Climate Change on Wednesday.

read more... 28/10/2011


Italian PV market to reach 12.5 GW by the end of 2011

Italian solar power market became one of the largest following the German one, immediately after introducing an incentive system in 2007. In May, the Italian government reduced the feed-in tariffs as to sustain customers. According to the chairman of industry body GIFI, Italy’s total PV installed capacity could rise to 12.0- 12.5 GW by the end of 2011, while the growth will slow next year.

read more... 24/10/2011


UK’s inflation at a 3-year high on higher energy tariffs

According to the Office for National Statistics, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation in UK soared to 5.2pc in September due to higher gas and electricity prices, hitting a 3-year high.

read more... 19/10/2011


Ofgem proposes simpler energy tariffs

The UK’s state energy regulator, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets requested to reform the energy retail market including simpler energy standard tariffs.

read more... 18/10/2011


New feed-in tariffs for anaerobic digestion in UK

The new feed-in tariff scheme for anaerobic digestion in UK was approved by the European Commission that took effect last September 30. Under the new scheme, the projects under 250 kW will receive 14 pence per kWh and 13 pence per kWh for projects with a capacity between 250 and 500 kW, while the anaerobic utilities up to 500 kW will receive 12.1 pence per kWh.

read more... 17/10/2011
