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Worldwide renewable energies hit a record hike in 2015

Last year saw a record in worldwide development of new renewable energy, according to the Renewables Global Status Report.

read more... 03/06/2016


Big oil companies to invest in green energy

Big oil companies are stepping up its investments in renewables and clean energy, being hit by declining oil prices and plunging profits.

read more... 26/05/2016


Germany got 100% renewable power for a day

Renewable energy has briefly touched and slightly surpassed 100% on Sunday, marking a milestone for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “Energiewende” policy to spur renewables while phasing out nuclear and fossil fuels.

read more... 17/05/2016


Renewables could transform the heating sector in Europe by 2040

Renewable sources could supply 49% of the energy used to heat Europe’s households by 2040, reducing natural gas demand and helping to slash carbon dioxide emissions, said the U.S. energy consulting firm IHS.

read more... 13/05/2016


Spanish Gas Natural to focus on renewables to spur its profit by 2020

Spain’s Gas Natural will heavily invest in expanding its networks and in the production of renewable electricity to boost its profit by 6 to 8 percent by 2020.

read more... 12/05/2016
