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Four energy majors in a huge North Sea investment

The UK oil giant, BP, alongside its partners Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Shell have won the British government approval to invest US$15.7 billion (GBP10 billion) in the development of a huge oil field in the North Sea over the next five years.

read more... 17/10/2011


China reveals its shale gas output target

China, as the world’s second largest energy consumer, envisages the development of unconventional energy in order to meet its soaring demand for energy. Thus, the Chinese government revealed its plans to explore the country’s huge potential of shale gas reserves, as a result of some European countries’ decisions to ban the exploration of shale gas.

read more... 13/10/2011


Scotland to allot 6 million dollars worth for renewables

As to contribute at the development of renewable projects, the Scottish Government will allot over 6 million dollars worth loan through the Community and Energy Renewable scheme. By putting into operation all the projects, with a total wind and hydropower capacity of 56 MW, Scotland will achieve its goal of 500 MW of green energy by 2020.

read more... 07/10/2011


A 900% growth in British solar capacity

A 900% increase in the development of the British solar power was registered in just 18 months notwithstanding of a forecasted recession in the British economy. In line with the discharged figures by AEA, a British energy and environmental consultancy firm, solar panels capacity represents about 75% of the renewable installations in the UK, while wind energy and hydropower installations have doubled since the entering into force of the feed- in tariff system.

read more... 27/09/2011


Controversial gas pipeline on fast track development

The controversial and long-term disputed gas pipeline by the US, which links Pakistan and Iran, will be completed two years ahead before of its deadline by December 2012.

read more... 09/09/2011
