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Wind parks of Spain set a new daily generation record

On Tuesday, wind parks of Spain, the fourth largest in the world, hit a fresh daily generation high, representing 40 percent of the national power demand, according to the grid operator REE.

read more... 07/05/2010


Offshore wind capacity reached 1 GW in UK

At present, UK is a global leader in offshore wind energy generation, its growing offshore wind capacity reaching 1,041GW, as E.ON’s Robin Rigg wind farm and DONG Energy’s Gunfleet Sands farms started producing electricity.

read more... 28/04/2010


REpower to deliver wind turbines of latest generation in Turkey

Geycek wind farm in Kirsehir province East of Ankara, the largest wind farm of REpower in Europe, will get from REpower 44 wind turbines of 3.XM series, with an evaluated power of 3.37 MW each and a hub height of 80 meters, following the deal between REpower Systems AG (WKN 617703) and Al Yel Elektrik, a subsidiary of Akuo Energy SAS.

read more... 23/04/2010


Carbon-emitting power generation

According to a new study, in the coming years Europe has to make some changes to the energy system in order to succeed in eradicating carbon-emitting power generation. The measures will have as purpose the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions by 80% until 2050.

read more... 14/04/2010


Italian electricity prices sharply up, following suspension of Enel’s power plant

Enel has stopped for 15 days generation of electricity at one of its most important power plant in Italy, a coal-fired giant at Civitavecchia, after the death of a 34 year old employee during maintenance works on April, 3.

read more... 07/04/2010
