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Europe is not meeting its cross-border grid connection goals

As EU energy ministers meet in Brussels to discuss grid expansion, the EU electricity market watchdog ACER warned on Friday (12 April) that Europe’s key grid connections are not sufficiently dedicated to electricity trading between neighbouring countries.

read more... 16/04/2024


Massive electrification needed to reach 2050 climate goals

Mass electrification of light transport, buildings, and support for electrification of industrial processes will be essential, according to a new 2050 scenario.

read more... 03/04/2024


Serbia signals desire for nuclear power production

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said his country will work towards 1.2GW of nuclear capacity from small modular reactors (SMRs), and it will need financing and support from other countries to achieve the goal.

read more... 28/03/2024


German wind power sector welcomes government offshore terminal funding

The German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation said the government's decision to help fund the expansion of an offshore terminal is important to achieve expansion goals for wind energy at sea.

read more... 25/03/2024


Portugal 2030 solar goal not at risk despite project backlog

The Portuguese government recently approved a further 10-month extension for the connection of the around 2 GW of solar capacity awarded in 2019 and 2020 auctions, which should have been connected between the middle of last year and this year, respectively.

read more... 11/03/2024
