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Statkraft plans large expansion of western Norway hydropower plant

Norway's largest power producer Statkraft is seeking to expand the capacity of its Mauranger hydropower plant in western Norway by 630 megawatt in a bid to increase flexible power generation, it said late on Tuesday.

read more... 09/06/2022


RWE buys 1.4-GW Dutch Magnum gas-fired power plant for Eur500 million

German utility RWE has bought the 1.4-GW Magnum power station in Groningen, the Netherlands from Sweden's Vattenfall for Eur500 million ($534 million), the utilities said June 2.

read more... 03/06/2022


Germany plans to put idled coal plants on standby in case of gas supply disruption

Germany is planning to use coal-fired power stations which would have been idled this year and next as reserve facilities in case of disruption to gas supplies from Russia, economy ministry sources said on Tuesday.

read more... 25/05/2022


Four countries pledge tenfold rise in EU offshore wind power capacity

Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark on Wednesday pledged to build at least 150 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind capacity in the North Sea by 2050 to create a "green power plant"for Europe.

read more... 19/05/2022


Spain, Portugal to approve gas price cap on Tuesday

The governments of Portugal and Spain will decree on Tuesday the introduction of a Brussels-backed temporary cap on reference prices of natural gas and coal used by power plants, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Monday.

read more... 10/05/2022
