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Daily (27.11.2017): EU carbon prices posted a 3.7% weekly gain on Friday

Oil prices reached their highest levels in more than two years on Friday after the continuous shutdown of a pipeline running from Canada to the United States was likely to cut supply into a major storage facility.

read more... 27/11/2017


Poland signs a 5-year US LNG deal

Warsaw is prepared to purchase more expensive US gas and intends to sell it to other EU countries. Nevertheless, Poland’s EU associates might choose cheaper gas supplies from Russia, according to Sergei Pravosudov, National Energy Institute’s director.

read more... 24/11/2017


Poland aims to develop renewables and shake off coal-dependency stereotypes

Poland has been continuously enhancing its share of green energies with the aim to decarbonize its economy, challenging stereotypes that describe it as the coal-dependent on Europe. Nevertheless, the development of renewable technologies looks to have reduced since the 2015 peak.

read more... 23/11/2017


UK budget tax modifications can save millions in oil and gas

The trade association for the oil and gas industry has declared that the Autumn Budget could save millions of pounds by presenting a tax change to postpone the decommissioning of older energy fields.

read more... 23/11/2017


Russia aims strategic energy partnership with China

Russian oil giant Rosneft has signed an agreement with Chinese company CEFC Energy, aiming crude oil supply. The accord is based on a long-term deal inked between parties earlier. The delivery will start next year.

read more... 21/11/2017
