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New EU initiative for private investors aims to encourage energy efficiency

The Smart Finance for Smart Buildings project, alongside other EU policy initiatives, aim to direct a total amount of €10 billion (£8.75bn) in public and private funds between now and 2020 for energy efficiency projects.

read more... 09/02/2018


Turkey's National Energy Efficiency Plan welcomed by EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ERD) salutes Turkey's National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). It has as a target to reduce 14 percent of primary energy consumption by 2023 and invest almost $11 billion in energy efficiency measures.

read more... 12/01/2018


Members of the European Parliament voted for solider energy efficiency and renewable goals

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) agreed to cut energy consumption by 40% by 2030. Every European Union state will have to establish its own corresponding national energy efficiency objectives necessary to attain the global target.

read more... 29/11/2017


France plans to invest 20 billion euros in energy transition

The French government intends to make an investment of around 20 billion euros in energy transition, out of which 9 billion euros are aimed to improve energy efficiency, 7 billion for renewables, and 4 billion to accelerate the switch to cleaner vehicles.

read more... 27/09/2017


Total invests in solar, EREN and GreenFlex, aiming renewables growth

Total increases its share in renewables by investing in solar and wind energy producer EREN RE and energy efficiency company GreenFlex.

read more... 20/09/2017
