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Innogy energy group signals more costs reductions at its unit in the UK

Innogy, the biggest energy group in Germany, is losing customers in the UK and warned of more cost cuts at a business which is not likely to make a profit in 2017 because of increasing competition.

read more... 12/05/2017


How to Win and Retain More Customers as a Utility Business

Imagine yourself at a crowded event with dozens of people chatting around you. If you’re like most of us, you’ll probably find that you can easily ignore or tune out of those conversations. To you, they’re just background noise, right?

read more... 03/05/2017


Sweden: Geothermal energy to be used to heat Swedish homes

Vattenfall, one of Europe's biggest retailers and producers of electricity and heat, announced last week about the intention to use geothermal energy to heat homes of customers in Sweden.

read more... 25/04/2017


UK: Energy supplier switches up 31% in January

Over 345,000 customers moved to a different supplier in the first month of 2017 in the UK, an increase of 80,000, or up 31% on last year, according to new data from Energy UK, illustrating a trend of increasing switching levels, with January’s figures higher than those registered in the last three years.

read more... 09/02/2017


Flexible Business Energy Contracts: Pros & Cons [Infographic]

Volatility in the energy markets has been at unprecedented levels over recent years. The power and gas supply product offering from suppliers to business customers has increased.

read more... 08/02/2017
