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New asset tie-up talks between GDF Suez and International Power

The French energy giant GDF Suez is preparing an offer of 6.4 billion pounds to buy a significant stake in the British company, International Power.

read more... 20/07/2010


E.ON new CEO announced new development strategy

The new E.ON chief, Johannes Teyssen, announced changes in the administrative structure of the company, measures meant to restore investors confidence in the company after losses suffered during the financial crisis.

read more... 06/07/2010


France power production recovers after unions strike

France suffered a 7,000 MW power output cut during massive demonstrations of union members all over the country on Thursday, including 6,000 MW losses in nuclear sector.

read more... 28/06/2010


Newest offshore wind farm of DONG Energy was inaugurated in UK

DONG Energy, the Danish energy company, has inaugurated its newest offshore wind farm, of a 172 MW capacity, called Gunfleet Sands, off the Essex coast in the UK, enough to supply power to 125,000 households.

read more... 18/06/2010


360 million CHF amassed from the CO2 tax to be distributed to Swiss companies and population

According to a recent decision taken by the Swiss Federal Council in May 2010, revenues resulting from CO2 tax will be proportionally distributed to the Swiss population and companies during the course of the year.

read more... 17/06/2010
