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EU approves German scheme to compensate hard coal plants for early closure

The energy regulator will publish seven tenders for the closure of hard coal and small lignite-fired power plants that will take place annually until 2026

read more... 30/11/2020


EU approves German coal phase-out tender mechanism

The European Commission today said Germany's coal phase-out tender mechanism to compensate operators for early closures promotes climate objectives and is in line with state-aid rules. But it said it will investigate the mechanism for closing lignite-fired plants.

read more... 26/11/2020


EU approves German coal phase-out tender mechanism

The European Commission today said Germany's coal phase-out tender mechanism to compensate operators for early closures promotes climate objectives and is in line with state-aid rules. But it said it will investigate the mechanism for closing lignite-fired plants.

read more... 26/11/2020


Less German gas priced in for 1Q21

German gas-fired generation has been largely up on the year as lower NCG gas prices and higher carbon costs supported deeper coal and lignite-to-gas fuel switching. But a recent increase in NCG gas prices has pushed up generating costs to price more gas-fired plants out of the market.

read more... 23/10/2020


Europe is going coal-free, but a vast lignite mine is expanding in eastern Germany and coronavirus has delayed new climate laws

The landscape makes you think of the surface of the moon. As far as the eye can see, deep gashes scar the earth. At the spot where the giant machines stand, ancient layers of bared coal are visible all the way to the base of the pit.

read more... 03/06/2020
