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A 900% growth in British solar capacity

A 900% increase in the development of the British solar power was registered in just 18 months notwithstanding of a forecasted recession in the British economy. In line with the discharged figures by AEA, a British energy and environmental consultancy firm, solar panels capacity represents about 75% of the renewable installations in the UK, while wind energy and hydropower installations have doubled since the entering into force of the feed- in tariff system.

read more... 27/09/2011


EDF announces higher energy tariffs ahead of winter

The British energy provider, EDF Energy was the last of the”big six” which announced on Thursday that their energy tariffs will go up by 15.4 % for gas and 4.5 % for electricity, hitting 3.2 million of London families which will have to face with energy bills increases.

read more... 16/09/2011


Approved feed-in tariffs in Japan

Recently, Japan jointed several European countries moving toward to the development of renewable energy, accepting avoid nuclear energy as a resource of power.

read more... 30/08/2011


Transneft oil transport tariffs to increase

The Russian state pipeline operator, Transneft, which is responsible for the transportation of about 93% of the oil produced in Russia, announced that it will increase its tariffs on oil shipments by 2.8% on September 1st and by 5% on November 1st.

read more... 29/08/2011


Npower the fifth energy supplier to hike energy prices

Npower, owned by RWE, is the fifth energy supplier to hike its tariffs, affecting some 3.3 million customers, following Scottish and Sothern Energy, Scottish Power, British Gas and E.ON.

read more... 17/08/2011
