Latest news

A new tax for nuclear energy in Germany

German parliament proposed the introduction of a new tax on nuclear energy. The tax would constitute 220 euros/gramme of nuclear fuel, and it would rise as long as plants will continue operating.

read more... 19/07/2010


Decision of Federal administrative committee concerning the electricity transport costs in Switzerland

The Federal Administrative Board annulated EIcom’s decision dated on March 6, 2009, when the electricity independent regulatory decided to reduce the taxes for power plants grid utilization by 40%.

read more... 16/07/2010


Nine solar parks installed in Greece by Conergy

Conergy, the German manufacturer and commissioner of PV panels, has finished the construction of nine PV plants in Greece on the Crete Island.

read more... 16/07/2010


Lukoil close to obtaining a tax reduction for Caspian Sea developments

Lukoil applied for a tax reduction for its oil exploitations in Caspian Sea from Finance Ministry of Russia. The tax cut will save Lukoil approximately $460 million for 2011.

read more... 14/07/2010


German and Dutch power supply to stay stable, supported by solar power generation

German and Dutch generating capacities are expected to stay stable during announced heats in Europe, but if high temperatures continue, some of the power plants that use water from rivers as cooling agent may shut down some of its generators.

read more... 12/07/2010
