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Germany will stop subsidizing solar energy by 2018

Environment Minister Peter Altmaier has announced on Monday that the 52GW limit set by the government would be reached in the period 2017-2018, after what Germany will stop subsidizing solar power. Altmaier had struggled to set a maximum amount of solar power capacity above which the government would no longer offer its financial support.

read more... 09/07/2013


France: EDF envisages a 5% increase in power tariffs in August

The French government has allowed French state-controlled power utility Electricite de France (EDF) to increase its electricity tariffs for residential consumers by 5% in August, and by the same share in August next year, citing recent increases of the company's production costs.

read more... 09/07/2013


Japan to restart its nuclear reactors

Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) announced it wanted to restart reactors at the world's largest atomic power station. Japanese nuclear operators applied to restart reactors under new regulations drawn up following the Fukushima disaster.

read more... 08/07/2013


Germany’s renewable energy sector

Germany’s renewable energy sector is currently one of the most flourishing in the world, with solar registering the greatest success. Last year, thanks to strong growth of the renewable, an export surplus of about 22 TWh was reached, with solar PV power plants that produced about 28 TWh a growth of about 44% in comparison to 2011 when they have produced 19.3 TWh.

read more... 08/07/2013


London Array officially opened and running

The world's largest offshore wind farm was officially opened by Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday. The London Array has a total of 175 turbines with a combined capacity of 630 MW and it is capable of powering 500,000 homes per year.

read more... 05/07/2013
