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British IGas gets the green light for shale gas exploration

Onshore hydrocarbon producer, IGas Energy plc, confirmed Tuesday that Nottinghamshire County Council’s Planning and Licensing Committee has awarded the company planning consent to drill up to two exploratory wells in Misson Springs, North Nottinghamshire, UK.

read more... 16/11/2016


Wind could represent almost 20% of power generation worldwide in 2030

According to the latest report from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), wind power is on the way to be the main engine for the global power sector's development, with possibility that it will generate almost 20% of world's electricity by 2030.

read more... 18/10/2016


NRDC: Biomass emits more carbon pollution than burning coal or natural gas

A new study released today by US-based environmental organization the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) finds that much of the biomass – such as that from forests –used in the UK could be generating higher emissions than coal and natural gas for decades.

read more... 18/10/2016


World Energy Resources Report: Global capacity of renewable energy production has doubled over the past decade

According to the report presented by World Energy Council, renewable energy generating capacity has doubled over the past decade worldwide, from 1037 GWe in 2006 to 1985 GWe by the end of 2015.

read more... 13/10/2016


Fukushima to be transformed in a green energy hub

A public-private council has been set up in the city of Fukushima for the purpose to turn the prefecture into a renewable energy hub in just few years.

read more... 29/03/2016
