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BP plans to spend over $1bn in Egypt in 2019

BP is planning to spend more than a billion dollars on its assets in Egypt in the coming year. According to Bob Dudley, BP chief executive, the company will spend $1.8 billion in Egypt and an additional $1 billion annually in Abu Dhabi on new discoveries and licensing rounds as it looks to expand its operations in the Middle East.

read more... 16/11/2018


Gazprom begins start-up operations at 3rd gas production facility of Bovanenkovskoye field

Gazprom continues to implement the extensive Eastern Gas Program and to build facilities associated with supplying gas to domestic consumers and to China.

read more... 07/09/2018


EU launches Gaza solar proj. for clean drinking water

The EU started operations at the biggest solar energy field in the Gaza Strip to fuel projects that will provide drinking water to people in dire need, the European Commission (EC) announced on Thursday.

read more... 06/08/2018


Russia extends Kharyaga oil field PSA with Total to 2031

The Russian government is extending a production sharing agreement with France's Total for development of the Kharyaga oil field by 13 years to the end of 2031, in the latest sign that many Western majors' operations in Russia are continuing despite sanctions on the oil sector.

read more... 11/07/2018


Ford reaches its manufacturing emissions target eight years ahead of schedule

The US-based automotive manufacturing company, Ford, has announced it has reached it’s CO2 emissions target eight years in advance. The firm set the target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced through its manufacturing operations by 30% per vehicle produced in 2010.

read more... 29/06/2018
