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IAEA: nuclear energy will register a slowdown in growth by 2030

The general director of International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano announced at the IAEA’s 56 general conference in Vienna, that nuclear power will maintain its importance in several countries, despite the Fukushima disaster. He also added that there will be a steady increase in the number of nuclear power plants worldwide in the next 20 years.

read more... 02/10/2012


Germany: Coal consumption to grow

Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany decided to phase-out nuclear power by 2022. As a result, this decision has created a loss of about 12.7 GW, and despite many investments in the renewable energy sector, the gap should be filled with coal and gas, to ensure the country's energy future.

read more... 02/10/2012


Japan: U-turn on plans to completely phase out nuclear power by 2040

Japan has abandoned its aspiration to completely phase out nuclear power by 2040 amid sharp opposition from the pronuclear business lobby, backtracking a deadline recommended by a cabinet panel only some days ago.

read more... 21/09/2012


Qatargas increases LNG supplies to Japan

Qatargas, the largest producer of natural gas in the world with a production capacity of 42 million tonnes per year of LNG, announced that it has augmented its LNG supplies to Japan by 11 tonnes from the original 9 million tonnes in comparison to the autumn 2011, as a result of the nuclear disaster last year, when Japan had to shut down its entire nuclear energy sector, from which it was dependent for 30%.

read more... 17/09/2012


Japan to phase out nuclear power by 2030

Japan is planning to phase out nuclear power during the next three decades under new government policy, aftermath Fukushima nuclear energy disaster.

read more... 12/09/2012
