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Europe's largest nuclear reactor enters service in Finland

Hours after Germany closed out its atomic era by turning off its last three nuclear reactors, the largest single reactor in Europe entered regular production in Finland, its operator said Sunday.

read more... 17/04/2023


French lower house report urges government to ditch Arenh

France should immediately suspend the Arenh regulation governing the sale by EDF of its nuclear generation to rivals, a lower house committee said in a new report.

read more... 13/04/2023


Au revoir, Germany’s ‘Atomkraftwerke’

On April 15, Germany will shut down its last remaining nuclear power plants, marking the end of the country’s more than 60-year foray into nuclear power and a long-time era of Franco-German cooperation.

read more... 12/04/2023


EDF’s riverside reactor build plans “irresponsible”

France’s plan to build two riverside reactors is “irresponsible”, given the acceleration of global warming-related water strain, nuclear expert and critic Yves Marignac told Montel.

read more... 10/04/2023


Czechia replaces Russian nuclear fuel imports with US imports

The US company Westinghouse will supply both Czech nuclear plants with fuel, so the country can quit importing Russian nuclear fuel until the end of 2023.

read more... 05/04/2023
