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Russia and China against sanctions to Syria over its nuclear programme

Syria’s international reputation suffered on Thursday after the United Nations nuclear watchdog voted to report the country to the Security Council, accusing Syria of a covert nuclear reactor construction and its unwillingness to cooperate with investigators.

read more... 10/06/2011


It’s official, no more nuclear in Switzerland by 2034

Switzerland decided on Wednesday to gradually phase out its five nuclear reactors by 2034, a theme debated among politicians and uprising doubts concerning nuclear energy. The act was approved with 101 voters in favor, 54 against and 36 abstentions.

read more... 09/06/2011


German nuclear phase out will cause intensified CO2 emissions

According to analyst’s points of view, the Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition decision to phase out all Germany's nuclear reactors by 2022 will contribute to bigger CO2 emissions by an estimated 40 million tones, as Germany will switch to fossil fuels.

read more... 02/06/2011


Japan’s nuclear crisis strikes Germany

As worries spread around the world after the detection of plutonium in soil samples that came from crippled Fukushima nuclear reactor, polls in Germany show that 52% of respondents wanted nuclear power phased out completely in the near future, and it was confirmed at recent elections in the German State Baden-Württemberg, where Angela Merkel, head of Christian Democratic Party in Germany, had lost control of this region for the first time in last six decades.

read more... 31/03/2011


World officials pledge to help Japanese nation

Describing the nuclear reactor crisis in Japan as “very serious”, the head of the UN agency that coordinates global nuclear safety declared that it is preparing to depart to Tokyo to offer further assistance.

read more... 17/03/2011
