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EWEA: Europe’s offshore wind energy to reach 150 GW by 2030

Europe’s offshore wind capacity could reach 150 GW by 2030 from 4 GW of installed capacity today, being able to supply about 14% of EU electricity demand according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) latest report on offshore wind supply chain.

read more... 01/12/2011


China to build the largest underground gas storage in Turkey

Turkey has inked a deal with China Tianchen Engineering Corp. to construct the largest underground natural gas storage facility in the center of Turkey, with a capacity of up to one billion cubic meters.

read more... 30/11/2011


EEA: EU renewable energy to boost by 2020

European countries are expected to see significant growth of the renewable energy capacity over the next decade if EU member states meet their common target of producing 20% of energy from green sources by 2020.

read more... 30/11/2011


OPEC to double spare capacity by 2015

Despite destabilized economic situation around the world, OPEC’s member states spare capacity is likely to double over four years reaching 8 million barrels as shown in its most recent 2011 World Oil Outlook. In 2010, the group’s spare capacity jumped to more than 5 million barrel per day, while decreased to about 4 million barrel per day during the second and the third quarter this year.

read more... 11/11/2011


New legislation likely to slow down Bulgaria’s wind market

The Bulgarian government is likely to approve the new legislation for renewable energy that could deprive of courage the wind industry financial support, disturb the country’s market and induce among investors higher risks in terms of feed-in tariffs and capacity allocation.

read more... 10/11/2011
