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Spain to focus on renewables

Spain is a fast developing renewable energy country and it is expected to move towards by supporting even more expensive energy commodities. Three Spanish companies, Iberdrola, Gas Natural and Endesa registered heavy incomes benefiting from the renewable boost. The chairman of Iberdrola, Sanchez Galan said the company made wrong steps with the development of solar PV power, and will make efforts to avoid such “moving” relative to solar thermal power.

read more... 16/11/2011


New solar PV tariffs in Germany

German Federal Network Agency has recently revealed new feed-in tariffs for solar PV power for 2012. The new once will be 15% lower than those in 2011 and were settled by the German Network Agency after analyzing the solar PV increase for the fiscal year through the third quarter of 2011.

read more... 15/11/2011


Chinese solar companies affected by discouraging global demand

Chinese solar companies, Yingli Green Energy Holding Company and ReneSola Limited cut down their third quarter and year-round products deliveries, sales and profit forecasts, blaming the discouraging global demand and company’s write downs.

read more... 14/11/2011


Netherlands to update the SDE incentive system

The new draft in the Netherlands will include the geothermal heat in the new feed-in tariffs system (SDE), which will represent the basic support for sustainable heat as from 2012.

read more... 11/11/2011


French Photowatt could bankrupt

Photowatt (PWO), a French solar panel producer, owned by Canadian ATS Automation Tooling Systems INC., is likely to bankrupt denouncing the decrease in demand for solar panels, strong competition mainly from China and balancing global economic situation.

read more... 10/11/2011
